Higher Education

How to Drive Innovation in Higher Education to Stay Relevant and Sustainable

There are a variety of forces impacting colleges and universities today: economic and demographic, financial and ideolog...

4 Essential Tips for Better Innovation Performance
Strategy & Alignment

4 Essential Tips for Better Innovation Performance

Right before January 1st, I felt an (in)explicable urge to “rant” about New Year’s resolutions on LinkedIn. And I had my...

Executing Collaborative Innovation - The Hamburger Style
Ideation & Collaboration

Executing Collaborative Innovation - The Hamburger Style

Often I read articles or books about top-down vs. bottom-up innovation and why one approach would be better than the oth...

How 3 Companies Sustained Innovation Success
Strategy & Alignment

How 3 Companies Sustained Innovation Success

Next time you switch on your TV or computer display, spare a thought for the company who probably produced the liquid cr...

3 Ways to Assess and Improve (Open) Innovation Structures
Strategy & Alignment

3 Ways to Assess and Improve (Open) Innovation Structures

In a previous post I was telling you about engineering an open culture and how tricky this task can be. As research show...

The Rise of Platform Business Models
Methods & Frameworks

The Rise of Platform Business Models

We have seen an incredible rise of platforms that have become part of our everyday lives. Whether it's Apple, Google, eB...

The Baldrige Framework: In Pursuit of Excellence
Methods & Frameworks

The Baldrige Framework: In Pursuit of Excellence

The history of management is littered with outmoded fads, those tools that seem to have a short shelf-life. There are a ...

Ecosystems: Goods-dominant vs Service-dominant logic
Ideation & Collaboration

Ecosystems: Goods-dominant vs Service-dominant logic

“Anything that just costs money is cheap” John Steinbeck - American novelist Before we move on to see how ecosystems are...

What is Free Innovation?
Trends & Future Thinking

What is Free Innovation?

Kittihawk, 1903. Wilbur and Orville Wright, up at an insanely early 5am, listening to the wind singing in the wires of t...

How Corporates Can Use the Lean Startup and Business Model Canvas
Methods & Frameworks

How Corporates Can Use the Lean Startup and Business Model Canvas

The Lean Startup is a hot topic for organizations right now, so we asked a practitioner - Justin Souter, of Souter Consu...

CDO: Understanding Organizational Readiness
Trends & Future Thinking

CDO: Understanding Organizational Readiness

The Chief Digital Officer’s leadership is key to success as digital has a transformational impact within and beyond the ...